Getting to know the neighbors

Just a heads up: This post isn’t a poem! 🙂

I’m really enjoying the tasks set by my Blogging 101 course series. Today’s assignment asked us to get a little friendly with the neighbors and comment on 4 blogs we hadn’t yet posted on. It was a little nerve wracking! Reading and liking is one thing, but to actually let a person know they’ve had an impact, no matter how small, on you… Let’s just say I probably spent way too much time making sure I was using the right words!

Anyways! I wanted to share my four with you.
A personal blog by a man named Jonathan living in Germany. Most posts are quick, easy reads and smile inducing.
A fashion blog by a young woman finishing high school. It’s cute, fun, and light.
A blog by two young sisters who love science and exploring what makes the world tick! Their weekly “Snippet of Science” posts are my favorite.

And my favorite by The Girl in Glasses:
A fashion and lifestyle blog full of beauty and motivational posts. So much eye candy and well written.

I’m really excited to see each grow this year.

❤ Katerina

3 thoughts on “Getting to know the neighbors

    1. Me, too!! You’ve inspired me. I’ve always wanted to do a fashion and beauty blog… but I’ve always been a little shy with it. However, I’m putting one together now… I’ll let you know when I feel ready to publish it.

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